Live Review: LISTEN: Tyler The Creator 'Hey You' (produced by Toro Y Moi)

24 July 2012 | 1:30 pm | Staff Writer
Originally Appeared In

Tyler The Creator & Toro Y Moi collaborated on this rap-romance. It was leaked unfinished but they decided to run with it anyway. Opinions?

Atmospheric beats begin this track as what follows could only be described as the closest thing TYLER THE CREATOR will ever come to spouting a love song.

It is an odd departure from the usual, “Kill people, burn shit, fuck school” mentality that is associated with TYLER’s other project ODD FUTURE (OFWGKTA). Lyrics like, “Looking good in that skirt/ Flirting is the effective way that this works”, TYLER even talks about going down to the lake to eat some Pringles with his chick. Now that is romance.

The strange thing is, it will probably incite swooning from all the hip-hop babes across the nation, seeing  TYLER in this new light. The production element of the song by TORO Y MOI is impeccable and allows the gentle rapping from TYLER to hold a dominant spot while still tickling the musical pleasure nerve in the brain.

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This tune will give the new generation of rap fans tips on how to woo their women while still maintaining the typical TYLER bad ass defiance. How’s that sound? That shit sounds cool to me.

Words by Jess Holton.