The most exciting thing about 'Disperse', in fact, is the seamless way Herzeloyde fuses all the elements of the track together.
There's something so deeply immersive about HERZELOYDE's music. The way we can hear him construct, craft and layer a track - almost in real-time - really pulls us in. It's a transparency that electronic artists usually like to shy away from in favour of mystery and enigma. But with four to the floor and no shame in his game, 'Disperse' is some of Herzeloyde's most exciting work to date.
It's a process that we can hear evolve as song bounces on. It absolutely beams of a beat and a sound we're familiar with. It's comfortably playful and delightfully addictive. However, as with all of his work, Herzeloyde will never rest on comfortable, and 'Disperse' is no different. The way he's infused glitched vocals into the stabbing synths that cloak the entire track is oddly both nostalgic and refreshing. It's an overall relentlessly energetic track that still remains centred and soothing.
The most exciting thing about 'Disperse', in fact, is the way Herzeloyde fuses all the elements together; the vocals with the beat, the therapeutic with the thrashing, the past with the future. 'Disperse' is a testament to being able to push the boundaries while still remaining grounded, and it will have you on your feet all night long.
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