Live Review: Jet

1 February 2017 | 1:25 pm | Bryget Chrisfield

"There's not a single person here who would've thought they'd be here under these circumstances three months ago."

More Jet More Jet

As we cross Smith Street toward The Gasometer Hotel, a sandwich board out front reads, "JET SOLD OUT," and we feel as if we've gone back in time about 15 years. In the queue, a lady boosts her cleavage in one of the venue's mirrored windows. We're admitted in small groups for this re-formed band's only pub show/warm-up for their Bruce Springsteen support slots. Down in the front section there's (surprisingly) really young dudes and some of them share videos of their workouts. And of course there are some old-faithful super-fans as well. Jet are due on stage at 9pm, but they're fashionably late. Get What You Need is a ballsy opener that promises, "You're gonna get what ya need". But will we? Geez, they look good. Living in Lake Como obviously suits frontman Nic Cester who rocks a beard and shoulder-length wavy locks these days. Cester retains that untamed look in his eyes. There are a few nervous glances exchanged on stage and leather-jacketed bassist Mark Wilson shows off a skinhead 'do, chewing gum while he rips into the debilitating genius of the opening She's A Genius bass riff.  

There's a whole lotta dancing going on during Rollover DJ and that "pill-popping jukebox" line always brings the guffaws. After pointing out this is the first show Jet have played in "six or seven years", Cester acknowledges, "There's not a single person here who would've thought they'd be here under these circumstances three months ago". Cester's voice sounds more awesome than when he was a touring party monster. Something goes wrong. "I was wondering who was gonna make the first mistake," Cester announces, before pointing to himself and then reissuing riffs so sexy that they threaten to rip our clothes off — kinda like the tail end of Eagles Of Death Metal's I Want You So Hard (Boy's Bad News) video. After telling us it's Davey Lane's birthday today, Cester dedicates "the next one" to Lane (who did a wonderful job as warm-up DJ this evening). Cester then chuckles, "It's not Cold Hard Bitch." When the frontman stuffs up again, he laughs and this relaxed delivery is somewhat endearing throughout. And, most importantly, they've still got it!

It turns a little ballad-heavy in the middle of the set; although Shine On is a plaintive highlight (particularly since we know Cester wrote this song for his younger brothers and cousins as a tribute to his father, John, who died of cancer).

We can't help but wonder why Cester agreed to this tour after knocking back so many opportunities over the years, but it certainly feels as if he needed to revisit these songs in a live setting. Because we don't know what to expect from this evening, we fear each song is their last, but Jet wind up playing for 90 minutes! Cester tells us he's been back in Australia "for about a week". "So nice to be back here with my friends," he admits, gesturing towards his bandmates. Come on, now, Chris Cester's majesty deserves to be elevated on a drum riser — we can't bloody see him! Louis Macklin is hard to see back there behind the keys as well.

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As soon as we see a tambourine in Nic's hand, we just know it's time for Lust For Life — we mean, Are You Gonna Be My Girl. The audience singalong almost drowns Nic out: "So one, two, three take my hand and come with me because you look so fine that I really wanna make you mine." The frontman's guitar obviously hasn't remained dormant since this band last played and Cameron Muncey's sneaky, beseeching riffs destroy us in the latter part of this tune. So. Bloody. Good. It's only rock'n'roll and we fucking love it. The hits just keep on coming. Chris hits his minimal kit with maximum whallop during Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is and Nic's yowls make us giddy. Three bros burst through into the front section for Cold Hard Bitch and then put arms around each other's shoulders, obscuring many views.

"Your goodwill has been duly noted and greatly appreciated," Cester says sincerely. Welcome back, boys.