A heap of restrictions just eased in New South Wales, except music festivals are still prohibited

8 November 2021 | 10:14 am | Parry Tritsiniotis
Originally Appeared In

The NSW re-opening plan has once again become a beacon of irony, with music festivals still 'prohibited' until December the 15th

Ah New South Wales. You've gone and done it again. The NSW re-opening plan has once again become a beacon of irony, with music festivals still 'prohibited' in the state despite other events that are extremely similar in nature being allowed to go ahead. It's important to note that as of December 15, NSW will allow music festivals with a strict 20,000 person limit, however, the irony still remains for this period, as well as almost every other period throughout COVID across the country, in the ways in which live music has been treated compared to other entertainment sectors.

As of today, the 8th of November, there are no limit to the number of visitors to your home, No limit to number of people for outdoor public gatherings and recreation, a one person per 2 square limit on indoor venues (excluding night clubs, of course at this stage). Also, International travellers who are fully vaccinated no longer need to quarantine on arrival. The main sucker punch, is that there is a No person limit for major recreation facilities (including stadiums, theme parks and race courses), subject to density limits or 100% of fixed seated capacity. While you can have 80,000 screaming footy fans at ANZ Stadium, Music festivals are still prohibited.

For the full list of restrictions from today, check the NSW government site HERE.

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