Former Slayer drummer Dave Lombardo has spoken about the events leading up to his depature from the group at a recent drum clinic in Belfast, Ireland.
Former Slayer drummer Dave Lombardo has spoken about the events leading up to his depature from the group at a recent drum clinic in Belfast, Ireland.
"I did my best to try to keep it together, but I couldn't go on, man," says Lombardo, who founded the band with guitarist Kerry King and was fired last year over a pay dispute, eventually replaced by Paul Bostaph.
"I had to step out, because you can't be shackled like that; nobody can take advantage of another person like that anymore. I did it for too many years, and I held my breath."
Lombardo continues to explain his frustration, revealing he made only $67,000 touring with the band in 2011. Check out the video below.