Shakafest Focus: Lotus Ship

12 August 2016 | 1:31 pm | Artist Submission

Answered by: Mitchell Watterson

Sum up your musical sound in four words? Excessive movement dance-funk.

What's the best thing about the Gold Coast scene? We all believe the scene of the Mould Coast is growing! But it will only continue to grow if bands support other bands. Lotus Ship are a family and we will always help our family!

Who are you keen to check out at Shakafest? Keen as to see all our local heroes Trapdoor, Radolescent, Bleach Girls, Ivey and Peach Fur! But mega keen to get amongst some White Blanks and The Vanns! Probably just all the acts hey!

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Will we be seeing you on the half-pipe? I think Nathan [Roberts], Ant [Vallone] and Luke [Johnson] will be throwing up some hectic McTwists and 900s... I heard they put 'Perfect Balance' and 'Moon Gravity' on in the cheats menu! 

If you had a tag, what would it be? A penis or Tina from Bob's Burgers (I do a mean Tina).

When's the last time you threw up a shaka? Probably when I caught that sick as wave the other day and just got smacked and heaps pitted.

When and where can we catch your set at Shakafest? We are playing after all the antics out on the main stage are finalised. That's an after party right?! Dank.

Website link for more info?