Meatstock Band Focus: The Punk Rock Hillbilly

1 February 2016 | 1:22 pm | Artist Submission

Answered by:
Trent, band leader!

Tell us your best BBQ-related memory: It was a scorching New Years Day... Let's say it was 2012... Beers were flowing, guitars were a strumming, and the pool was a splashin'. The Punk Rock Hillbilly were a-jammin' and the steaks were medium rare. GFnTs!!!

If you had to use one BBQ/meat-based dish as an analogy for your music, what would it be and why? Turducken! 'Cause we throw a whole heap of stuff together to create an extremely tasty treat! Don't forget that HAWT SAWWWWCE!!!

Will you ask for meat instead of booze on your rider? It's all about balance — I recently had the Circa 1876 steak for the first time, and without the accompanying ale, I don't think it would have been as mind-blowing an experience. Dang!

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What are you hoping to take away from Meatstock? Belly full of goodness!

What else are you looking forward to at Meatstock? Super keen for the eats (I will mention that our bass player is vego and our drummer is vegan — more for me and Isaac!) Great bands playing, Mustered Courage, DBs [Davidson Brothers], AEB [Adam Eckersley Band], SD [Snowdroppers], HW [Henry Wagons], HH [Hussy Hicks]... Quality line-up! Keeeeeeeeeen.