White people using other races to make them look like better people on Tinder..
Humanitarians Of Tinder appears to be a good idea; picking out people on Tinder who seem to be doing something good in the world. That is until you see the photos. They’re all of white people with non-white people in presumably third world countries. It’s as if the presence of a white person suddenly makes life worthwhile. Because supposedly everyone who is non-white has such a meaningless existence that they just needed a white person to be around. And because there is a picture of a white person with a non-white person they suddenly become a ‘humanitarian’. You know, a good person?
And by putting that on Tinder it comes across as a ploy for someone to have sex with you because you’re such a great person going to help all those kids in Africa. And that isn’t to say I’m against Westerners going to Africa or Asia, charities like Medicin Sans Frontiers and Amnesty International are goddamn amazing and we need more like them. But it’s the seeming exploitation of other people for your own standing on a dating site that is really wrong. And it begs the question, are you putting up those photos for your own image or because you actually want to change the way things are?
Which begs a final question, are you swiping left or right on these people?