Dragon Chat With The Animals Ahead Of Wanstock Music Festival

28 February 2024 | 12:38 pm | Mary Varvaris

To celebrate (and farewell) The Animals’ bond with Australia this weekend, The Animals and Dragon interviewed each other for The Music.

The Animals, Dragon

The Animals, Dragon (Source: Supplied)

More Dragon More Dragon

The Animals will make their way to Australia for their final-ever performance this weekend, headlining the Wanstock Music Festival on Saturday (2 March). The festival also stars Dragon, Ted Mulry Gang, Standing Room Only, Strait Shooters and Daydreamers.

Drummer John Steel said about their final return to Australia, “Hello, you guys at WANSTOCK!

“I just wanted to tell you that we are so looking forward to seeing you on our 60th anniversary since The House Of The Rising Sun made number one around the world. Every gig so far has sold out and closed with a standing ovation, so we must be doing something right. Hoping for the same in Oz, best wishes from the band.”

To celebrate (and farewell) The Animals’ bond with Australia, The Animals and Dragon interviewed each other. Dragon singer Mark Williams and original member bassist Todd Hunter chatted with Steel, and they answered Steel’s questions ahead of Wanstock this weekend. Read on to see how the chat went down.

The Animals interview Dragon

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The Animals: Hi guys, so nice to be chatting with you ahead of our show together this weekend at WANSTOCK!

Todd Hunter: Yes, we can’t for WANSTOCK this weekend!

You have written some belters, April Sun In Cuba, Rain and so many other hits, is there one particular song that you feel changed the Dragon trajectory?

Todd Hunter: Rain is the song that gave the band a new life when it was pretty well washed up in the mid-80s. When we play live, Rain is the song that younger crowds respond to most rampantly.

You guys formed in NZ and then relocated to Australia, where is home for the band these days?

Todd Hunter: We left NZ way back in 1975. We all live in Sydney apart from Pete [Drummond, drummer], who moved to Melbourne last year. I think he’s finding the music scene a lot more active than Sydney.

How do you feel about the music industry in 2024?

Todd Hunter: Dragon happily exists outside the music industry, so not much at all.

How has your rider changed from back in the day to now?

Todd Hunter: A lot less alcohol now. No spirits and no eccentric requests

And how about your preparation for tours and shows?

Todd Hunter: We don’t prepare; we just wing it or do it during the first soundcheck of the tour.

Mark Williams: Sometimes, we talk about it as we get on the plane. Most times not, though.

Who’s your favourite new act that we need to get around?

Todd Hunter: Sydney band Raintalker.

Mark Williams: Sydney band Supahoney.

Any parting words of advice for up-and-comers in the industry?

Todd Hunter: Have fun!

Mark Williams: Keep chippin’ away.

It’ll be so fun to play WANSTOCK with you guys in Melbourne; what are you most looking forward to about this fun Melbourne festival?

Todd Hunter: I am looking forward to hearing those great Animals songs that Marc [Hunter, late vocalist] and I used to sing along to when doing the dishes in Taumarunui in the late ‘60s.

Mark Williams: Finally hearing songs etched into my DNA from an early age.

Dragon interview The Animals

Dragon: You’ve announced your last ever tour of Australia, how are you feeling about this and was there a particular moment that made you decide this was it? Are you planning to wind up touring globally after this run of shows?

John Steel: Well, the response to this tour has been so positive that Metropolis Touring have already blocked out a further three weeks in May/June of this year, so it’s looking like I’m going to bop ‘til I drop.

And right back at you, you’ve written some absolute classics, We Gotta Get Out Of This Place and The House Of The Rising Sun. Same question back at you - was there a song that you felt really shifted the landscape for The Animals?

It has to be our version of The House Of The Rising Sun. It’s 60 years since that record was cut and it still gets a standing ovation at every show.

How do you feel about the music industry in 2024?

I don’t even think about it. I enjoy doing what I do, and that’s good enough for me.

Congrats on heralding such an iconic career; you guys have played with some of the best in the biz, The Police, Pink Floyd and Jimi Hendrix; who’s been your favourite band/artist you’ve encountered throughout your career?

I still think Chuck Berry made some of the best rock n roll songs ever (apart from My Ding A Ling, but nobody’s perfect) 🤩

How has your rider changed from back in the day to now?

 Red wine 🍷 rather than beer. I still like cold beer, but two glasses blow me out 😵‍💫

How do you prepare for tours and shows?

 A little light exercise twice a day, playing drums is a good workout anyway.

Who’s your favourite new act that we need to get around?

There’s an artist called Taylor Swift who seems to be doing well.

Any parting words of advice for up-and-comers in the industry?

Get a good recommendation for an accountant.

It’ll be so fun to play WANSTOCK with you guys in Melbourne; what are you most looking forward to about this fun Melbourne festival?

I stepped out of my hotel room this morning, and a couple stopped me to say last night was the best live band they’d seen in years. I’m looking forward to more of that in Melbourne, please!

Tickets for Wanstock Music Festival are selling fast. You can buy tickets here.




THE ANIMALS  (Last ever Australian performance)