Album Focus: The Tall Grass

3 May 2017 | 4:07 pm | Artist Submission

More The Tall Grass More The Tall Grass

Answered by: Peter Fenton

Album title? Down The Unmarked Road

Where did the title of your new album come from? It's from the first line we [Jamie Hutchings] sing together in a song called Weathervane. To me, it described the 'portrait among landscapes' feel of the record and we also felt it suited the topographic cover art.

How many releases do you have now? This is mine and Hutchings' first album together, although we also have releases individually and as part of various groups: Bluebottle Kiss, Crow, Infinity Broke etc. 

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How long did it take to write/record? A few years all up but there were stop-starts as other things took over, as well as times of great concentrated effort.

Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making? This record began as an experiment to see if we could write together and quickly took hold as a document to some long and wonderful yaks as we had the song lines in the water.

What's your favourite song on it? I think Weathervane. It has a very equal sharing in the writing and playing and produces such a great mood.

Will you do anything differently next time? Of course but In the end, people will determine the fate of this project. There are no parameters. Me playing a ukulele in a song shows this clearly!

When and where is your launch/next gigs? 6 May, Leadbelly, Sydney; 19 May, Junk Bar, Brisbane; 26 May, Yarra Hotel, Melbourne.  

Website link for more info?