INTERVIEW: Breakbot + 'By Your Side' Album Giveaway

27 September 2012 | 3:00 pm | Scott Armstrong
Originally Appeared In

Heading down to Aus for Summadayze ​festival, we chatted to ​Breakbot about his coming stint in the country, the ​By Your Side ​EP and partying on a boat.

Our mate Scott got the chance to chat to French disco star and chocolate fanatic BREAKBOT (who is set to be heading down to Aus for the upcoming Summadayze festival tour) about his much anticipated trip to Aus, his By Your Side LP and partying on a boat. Read on to find out how you could win a copy of his most recent LP!

PURPLE SNEAKERS: Thibaud! Thanks for taking the time to have a chat to us!

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BREAKBOT: No problems, lovely to speak to you!

PS: Where are you right now?  Tell me what you’ve been up to in the process of releasing your album?!

I’m at home, I just woke up about half an hour ago.. Umm, It was released on Tuesday so we had a party on this boat with some friends yesterday, which was fun!

PS: Oh great! Did you play a show on the boat or were you just hanging out?

Yeah, it was not really a show though, it was more of a DJ set sort of thing. It was good fun! Some friends played with me too, it was a nice way to celebrate. Brodinski and Gesaffelstein and also Surkin had a little time off to come and celebrate with me.

PS: Yours has been a name which has been very prominent for a long time, why has it taken you this amount of time to finally release a debut LP?

Well…I think it’s just because of how slow I can be with things, you know? I think maybe it’s because I’m a little bit stupid (laughs). There’s a lot of electronics and things to figure out with my album and I guess that’s probably why.

PS: There has been a lot of excitement down under for the release, I saw that Hudson Mohawke amongst others was giving you some love on twitter, have you been happy with the reception so far?

Yeah definitely, I don’t know what’s going on though so I haven’t really heard much. I tend to check twitter everyday so it’s nice to see some cool feedback from artists, which I like as well as the fans, but other than that it’s early days

PS: When did you actually start the creative process for By Your Side?

Umm, I think it was like 3 years ago, I started to think about it more and it was really after my first EP when I decided that this is where I wanted to take things.

PS: In terms of choosing vocalists, it seems as though you’ve chosen 3 main artists to feature on the album, how did you choose them?

You know, it was like, umm, it was kind of just a really good fit. I didn’t really choose them to be honest. It was a ‘meeting in passing’ kind of thing and I just sort of mentioned it and it was a great fit. I usually just would talk to them, and I didn’t want to have famous singers either, to be honest. I’m very happy with what we came away with!

PS: Did you find yourself writing songs which would suit their vocal style or was it more so picking artists after you had written the songs?

The vocalists I chose, luckily, were into the same music as me. We listen to the same stuff, to the same people and so we had the same influences. It’s quite easy to work with people who have the same taste as you.

PS: In terms of releases, your first release was with Moshi Moshi and then you moved over to Ed Banger, how has it been becoming part of such a beloved movement with Pedro etc?

It’s a dream come true because I loved this label previously, I listened to the music before and it was like, Pedro was the manager of Daft punk and Justice. It was just crazy. For me it was a dream come true, honestly, I am still so happy!

PS: I was lucky enough to catch you on the second weekend at Coachella this year, how is the live show going to be different when you come down to play the Summadayze festivals over the New years period?

Oh cool! It was incredibly hot that weekend!! Well we’ve done a lot of work on the videos, the graphics are new and we’ve worked a bit on the technical set up and there will be new music. It’s just going to be a lot better, I’m excited! It’s going to be a bit different, I’m going to bring Irfane with me to sing, I can’t wait.

PS: They’re great festivals, I think you’re going to have a lot of fun on the tour!

Definitely! I love Australia so much, I have been there many times and it’s just one of my favorite places to play in the world. The people are so friendly and they have great taste!

PS: Are you excited to get on the road and really take a step into playing these tracks to an Australian crowd? How will the show graduate over time?

Definitely, sometimes I play the piano, it’s going to be interesting and we really try to make it more than a DJ set, but it’s definitely not like a live band experience, it’s unique.

PS: Fantastic! Thanks again for taking the time, good luck with touring and we’ll see you in January!

See you then, Thankyou for taking the time to talk with me!



And better still, we seven copies of Breakbot's 'By Your Side' album to give away! To win, just tell us what you would do with a chocolate Breakbot record (see above video for more info) in the comments below. Be creative! Winners will be contacted by email so dont forget to leave your email address and full name.

Words by Scott Armstrong