Album Review: While She Sleeps - This Is The Six

21 August 2012 | 11:01 am | Mike Bowring

While She Sleeps have delivered a solid album with the ability to satiate the thirst of any metal fan, progressive enough for those with such an itch while, I dare to claim, it’s delivered with enough intensity for the purists.

More While She Sleeps More While She Sleeps

As debut albums go, this shows a band putting in the hard work to establish themselves as more than just a genre trope. And fucking succeeding. Built on the back of EP, The North Stands For Nothing, which largely held to the metalcore wall-of-noise philosophy, the tracks on this album feature a far more prominent lead guitar, extended vocal range and touches of piano all serving to instil a current of sadness and reflection amongst the cathartic release of aggression.

But don't let any of that fancy talk about nuance mislead you – this album launches into a wall-of-noise from the first second. With rare exception, every track contains its own share of the distorted-chunk of the rhythm guitar. However, any time you find a moment where you think you're just about to get more of the same, it changes up with one of their many new skills. Also added to their arsenal is a new range of backing vocals, which work to create truly anthemic choruses. Stand-out track, Our Courage, Our Cancer, exemplifies this mix working its magic, while Until The Death houses a drum beat that'll have you slamming your foot through the floor.

While She Sleeps have delivered a solid album with the ability to satiate the thirst of any metal fan, progressive enough for those with such an itch while, I dare to claim, it's delivered with enough intensity for the purists. Turn this one up loud - you won't regret it.

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