Live Review: Life Is Better Blonde ‘Follow Me’ (Official Video)

10 September 2015 | 5:44 pm | Madeline Kilby
Originally Appeared In

LIFE IS BETTER BLONDE has released his second, haunting, track ‘Follow Me’ along with a spellbinding video to remind us we are living a privileged existence of making our own decisions.

Coming at a time when conflict throughout the world seems to be comprised of decisions to either follow a political movement, or follow the flock fleeing the persecution of said movement, LIFE IS BETTER BLONDE has released his second, haunting, track ‘Follow Me’ along with a spellbinding video to remind us we are living a privileged existence of making our own decisions.

Life Is Better Blonde appeared out of nowhere in a blaze of glitchy glory earlier this year with the track ‘Mine’. The accompanying video was something very flamboyant, cementing his place as one to watch in the music scene. Backing this up, ‘Follow Me’ takes you on a very different journey, one that plays straight to your heartstrings.

Teaming up once again with Natalie James who directed the clip for ‘Mine’, the differences between both tracks and their videos prove the deep seated talents both Life Is Better Blonde and Natalie James possess. ‘Follow Me’ features emotional vocals and piano; with an occasional glitchy sound leaving you wondering if you are watching reality or a dream.

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The clip is set in a forest and focuses on a soviet soldier. At first it appears he is chasing a family fleeing violence, however as a young girl looks back he is stuck at a piano, found in a clearing. At this point you wonder if he is chasing or following, as the name of the song suggests.

Planes can be seen flying overhead, and slowly the soldier realises he has to walk away, as though the music has been a form of escapism, moving the solider on from his plight against the innocent civilians. As he walks away a piano falls from the sky, like a bomb has been dropped and explodes. The music itself changes at this point, the glitches become more frequent, percussion and an accordion are added. It is as though some kind of bubble has been burst, and the soldier must make a decision on who he must follow.

Both the lyrics for ‘Follow Me’ and the video ask a very hard question about who you should follow in society. Whether it is your own feelings, your family, politics or antagonists. This video is a journey through a beautiful, and confusing landscape, lead by Life Is Better Blonde’s raw voice. Combined with deep piano chords this is like a video that should have a narration around the destructions of lives and homes.

‘Follow Me’ is available now on iTunes.