Live Review: WATCH: Jack Ladder and the Dreamlanders 'Short Memory'

7 March 2012 | 5:00 pm | Staff Writer
Originally Appeared In

Watch the new video for Jack Ladder and the Dreamlanders's 'Short Dream', featuring mesmerising idyllic landscapes and haunting music.

The video for ‘Short Memory’ boasts hauntingly beautiful cinematography with a frontier influence: jaw-droppingly large fields of long grass dancing in the wind, captured in black and white, as two young girls run through it; and a rundown house filled with empty, scattered bottles.

Mesmerised by the sight of feet kicking up petticoats while running, you'll find yourself wondering: are they running towards something, or away from something?

‘Short Memory’ is a hauntingly bleak song, and the video is the perfect accompaniment to JACK LADDER's soulful lamentations. Not only does he sing of heartbreak with such mournful, accurate lyrics as “I heard the worst was yet to come and she came” and “It’s a long history/I got a short memory”, but his voice sounds like something plucked straight from a Country and Western film.

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Words by Cheryl Billman.