Live Review: Chela and Banoffee team up on utopic pop track 'Shut You Up'

19 October 2018 | 7:35 am | Holly O'Neill
Originally Appeared In

The two LA based Aussies are the perfect duo in 'Shut You Up', melding oddball electronica with forward thinking pop and delivering a schmick music vid

October is pretty far in to release your first single of the year, but CHELA's new one has been well worth the wait. 'Shut You Up', released on IHC 1NFINITY, is a tune that melds left-of-centre electronica with forward thinking pop, complete with a schmick music vid. Teaming up with fellow LA-based Aussie BANOFFEE, Chela has crafted the perfect futuristic pop earworm.

There's an infectious energy across the track, a perkiness emphasised with snappy syllabic delivery and joy in the chorus' singalong hook and overlapping vocal harmonies. Under the vocals is a tight instrumental, where drum machines and flute synths ground bright double time synth stabs, Chela and Banoffee are creative equals on this track, bringing a synchronicity and cohesive sound that makes it feel like this track could really be either one of theirs.

The music video, directed by Chela herself and co-directed by Jesus Rivera, brings this utopia pop into the visual realm. Clad in pearlescent fabrics and excessively large ruffles, Chela and Banoffee battle a video game addiction with a ritual that takes them all over LA in a big ol' Jeep. Just like in the track, the duo have an effusive joy and a tenderness for each other, and you can just tell they really enjoyed working together.

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With both Chela and Banoffee really honing their creative vision since their international move, their collaboration has only strengthened their craft. 'Shut You Up' as a track is already a brilliant piece of oddball pop but its video (and place in the hyperstylished IHC 1NFINITY music video shared universe) really pushes it even further, and proves Chela's unique pop vision is one to watch.

If you're around Melbourne on the 24th of October be sure to catch the launch of 'Shut You Up' with Chela and Banoffee performing at The Gasometer Hotel, tickets available here.

Find 'Shut You Up' by Chela featuring Banoffee via IHC 1NFINITY on your streaming/downloading service of choice here.

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