Album Review: The Last Ten Seconds of Life - 'Invivo(Exvivo)'

26 October 2013 | 5:41 pm | Staff Writer
Originally Appeared In

10 tracks of sheer brutality and aggression

Right off the bat, 'Invivo(Exvivo)' explodes with introductory track, 'Fertile Steps'. The Last Ten Seconds of Life may be relatively new, but their approach is anything but hesitant. The sound launches straight into low and aggressive vocals with pounding instrumental work. It's angry, aggressive and everything a metal fan should love.

Throughout the full-length, one song after another, you are met with an onslaught of varied styles. Songs like 'A Dime A Dozen' showcase heavy vocals that really emphasise the anger behind the songs. The guitar work is ideal ensuring the breakdowns are considered instead of laboured. 

'Invivo(Exvivo)' does however hold some simpler moments. 'Haste Makes Waste' is an example of a point where indifference may be the ideal response. Fortunately, while the fleeting moments fail to have impact, they don't detract or pull down the album either. A nil-all draw, perhaps?

The record is engaging. The general blueprint draws on a sustained and brutal approach. Essentially, all roads lead to an album that feels (and sounds) polished. All the songs, while similar, still gel but are not horribly repetitive. 

The Last Ten Seconds of Life have evolved with this album. For a young band this is always a key indicator. Analytical and dispassionate assertions aside, 'Invivo(Exvivo)' serves as a largely satisfying release. Whether or not the style is ready to divorce itself from the rest of the pile is still to be seen. However, currently, this is effective and solid metal.

'Invivo(Exvivo)' is an aggressive album in every intended form. The construction shows the skill of the band. It's something a little different to the group's past albums. Is it too soon to suggest The Last Ten Seconds of Life have found their sound?

1. Fertile Steps

2. False Awakening

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3. A Dime a Dozen

4. Numbskull

5. The Face

6. Morality

7. Haste Makes Waste

8. Deadfast

9. Skeletal

10. Ego Death