Album Review: The Dead Elected - Cheated: Deleted

10 April 2014 | 1:15 pm | Stephanie Tell

"A smooth, stoner alt.rock release, Cheated:Deleted showcases proficiency in its intricate drum patterns and bold, buzzing bass."

A smooth, stoner alt.rock release, Cheated:Deleted showcases proficiency in its intricate drum patterns and bold, buzzing bass. Though the EP draws on the heavy fuzz and moody notes of Queens Of The Stone Age, its tendency to drift and mull lets it slip past your attention. While Carbon Sea has a becoming, doom-centric focus, Lost Spaceship Opera takes a notable step back, combining cooing, almost-whispered singing with a murky melody and gloomy lyrics. A clear lowpoint on this offering: their gritty, apathetic vocals in stodgy track Girlfriend result in a sound akin to a strangled Jack White.