In honour of their birthday celebrations, we made Yes Please label head and all round good guy, Matt Blanchard, sit down and give us a Soundcloud Wrap.
YES PLEASE may have only been around for two years, but in the short time, they've already made a lasting impact for Australian Electronic artists. Their label represents some of the most impressive young acts within the scene, and they've even started up a co-presented Festival with Astral People. Maybe you've heard of it? OutsideIn?
The Sydney team is literally turning two as we speak, and because of it they're throwing a couple of birthday parties. You've already missed the Sydney event, but if you live in Melbourne - you're in luck. Your party is at The Workers Club tonight!! In honour of their birthday celebrations, we made YP label head and all round good guy, Matt Blanchard, sit down and give us a Soundcloud Wrap.
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All of the artists featured will be playing (in some capacity) in Melbourne tonight, so get let's acquainted!
I'lls 'Plans Only Drawn'
This is music that rewards you with every listen, it's intricate and dense, yet the listening experience is almost the opposite. I'd been desperately trying to 'sign' I'lls for around a year before hearing any of the new EP songs, I just had this strong feeling they had a tonne of potential, so when I finally heard the new EP, A Warm Reception, the effort and wait was more than validated. The Yes Please Birthday is also the EP launch for I'lls, so come and see them live, they're astonishingly good.
Guerre - 'Rashad (Loose Pace)'
Guerre was the first artist I picked up for the label, it was his voice and unique song writing approach that initially grabbed my ear and drew me into his world. There's something magical in the way he chops and layers his vocals to create a sound that's both familiar and alien. His new techno inspired project, Cassius Select, has been infiltrating Guerre more and more, so expect a darker, heavier live show.
Monster Rally and Rumtum - 'Raindrops' (Fishing Remix)
This track was so unexpected, it was the first time I heard Fishing rap and I was blown away - these white boys from Newtown can bring it. There's plenty of tongue in cheek irony, the beats are tight and Doug even steps up for some double time action...and pulls it off. The live setting is where this really comes to life, it always gets the room jumping, it's just too infectious to resist. Melbourne prepare yourself for the Turt!
Wintercoats - 'Halogen Moon'
Wintercoats just makes beautiful music. I'd always been a massive fan of his delicate, orchestral arrangements, so when the opportunity to work with him appeared, I pounced. 'Halogen Moon' was the single from his most recent EP, Heartful, it really stood out to me as a special song and a step in a new direction for James. I can't wait to see how the project develops.
The Townhouses - 'Diaspora' (Feat. Guerre)
I was floored the first time I heard this song, it's a deeper, more meditative cut than the other songs on the album it's taken from. Guerre contributes the vocals, with Wintercoats on strings. The song has a very relevant and profound theme, dealing with asylum seekers. Lyrical content aside, it's a beauty of a song.
Andras Fox - 'Soft Illusion'
I've known Andy for about 7 years and even back then there were hints of something really special in his productions, he always had a very clear vision for his music. And it's something he's stuck by, his sound hasn't changed a whole lot over that time. His technical ability and the depth of his ideas have certainly grown immensely, but the sound is still rooted in a similar space. It looks like it's paying off too, with numerous releases on international labels and the one and only Dam-Funk giving him props on Twitter.
Oscar Key Sung - 'It's Coming'
This is Oscar's newest solo track and damn is it hot! That voice gets me everytime! It's the most polished piece of music he's put out yet and probably a good indication of the direction he's moving in. It's about time too, he is worthy of much more recognition than he's received. Everything he's done has been unique and ridiculously good; Brothers Hand Mirror, Oscar Key Sung, Oscar + Martin and Psuche. It's all fantastic and well worth checking out, he's one of Australia's great hidden talents, expect big things.
Andras Fox and Oscar Key Sung - 'What They Say'
I had to include this, I've gushed enough about these guys individually, so how could I leave out their collaboration. I'll let the music do the talking, just click play and melt into the floor.
Caitlin Park - 'Baby Teeth' (Faux Pas Remix)
RIP Faux Pas aka Tim Shiel. He was way ahead of the curve when it comes to Australian electronic music, the project was bursting with progressive ideas. This excellent remix is one of many he put together for local artists, which you can grab for free via his Bandcamp page along with most of his catalogue. While you're there check out his exceptional album Noiseworks. Also, keep an eye out for his new project, Telling.
Sold on this? Of course you are. Here are the details you need for tonight.
Yes Please 2nd Birthday - July 18 - SYN Approved
The Worker's Club, Melbourne
$12 pre-sale
$15 door
I'lls (EP Launch)
The Townhouses
Plus DJs:
Oscar Key Sung
Andras Fox
Tim Shiel
Simon Winkler
Adam Christou
For all of Yes Please's releases, head to
Words: Tom Hutchins