Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor won’t win any new fans, but if you’re already an acolyte, this is Rob Zombie at his Rob Zombiest – and it’s pretty great.
Few artists have built a brand as recognisable and far reaching as Rob Zombie. Musician, director, voice actor… It takes an intense commitment to establish and maintain a character like his. And Zombie's latest long player, Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor, is a testament to that commitment. It builds on his Godfather of Neo-Horror persona, weaving in snippets from old horror movies and what sounds like vintage and hilariously out of touch public service announcements. The songs sound like the soundtrack to a gothic horror metal musical, introducing listeners to a fresh set of demented characters and their twisted stories. And it couldn't sound more fun.
The album title is just the start of the wackiness. Opener Teenage Nosferatu Pussy is a taste of what's to come, while Theme For The Rat Vendor, White Trash Freaks and the baffling Ging Gang Gong De Do Gong De Laga would seem ridiculous if the songs attached weren't so good. Zombie's genuine affection for horror means he never falls into cheesy parody or hipster mockery. This is real metal and real horror from a veteran who knows his stuff when it comes to both. And just when you think you've got a handle on things, Zombie throws something like Rock And Roll (In A Black Hole) at you, with an intro and groove that wouldn't sound out of place on an 8-bit Nintendo cartridge.
The riffs are heavy, the vocals are growling and the production is slick while somehow embracing the vintage horror aesthetic that has become Zombie's signature. Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor won't win any new fans, but if you're already an acolyte, this is Rob Zombie at his Rob Zombiest – and it's pretty great.