Album Review: Picture The End - 'They Swarmed Like Locusts'

20 March 2007 | 10:17 pm | Staff Writer
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Melbourne metal kids raise the bar for 2007

Picture The End have been kicking around Melbourne since 2005 and in that time, the band has evolved from a more melody loving metalcore quintet to a down and dirty metal band.


"They Swarmed Like Locusts" is the band's first official release (although they did release a 3 track demo in 2006 through Sightline/Shock) and it's a cracking affair.


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PTE give us 30 minutes of some of the most groove laden metal I've heard since Pantera. While the music demonstrates a level of technical proficiency that rivals anything that the US is currently churning out, the songs still have a somewhat catchy quality to them – it's pretty much impossible to not move your head to the bulk of the material on this record.


The first thing that stands out on TSLL is the drumming. Scottie has never been a slouch behind the kit – his beats have always given PTE a massive, driving groove to work with but his work on this record is amazing. It's not often you come across a drummer who is able to show off to a degree without having a negative impact on the song, but the drums on this record are perfectly executed.


As it should on any respective metal record, the bass lays a solid foundation for the guitars to work with – and work they do. The collection of riffs and lead breaks on TSLL is as engaging as anything The Acacia Strain can pull off.


I was thoroughly impressed with how cohesive the songs sound. A lot of bands dabbling in the tech metal genre make the mistake of having a mish mash of riffs, rather than memorable songs, but PTE have written an album's worth of material which is sure to have some kind of lasting power.



The production on the record sounds first rate. Every instrument sounds defined without sounding un-natural and the kick drums stands out from the rest of the mix without sounding over – produced (which is a common gripe of mine when it comes to modern metal records).

"They Swarmed Like Locusts" is an excellent local metal release and one

that should see Picture The End climbing the Australian metal/hardcore

ladder. If the boys keep this up, I can't see why the band couldn't

have a successful shot at playing overseas.

01.  Death, Wrath and Judgement 1:34

02.  8/24 Off 16 Overs 3:23

03.  "they've Got Their Magnums I've Got My Magnums. We're Gonna Shoot this One Out" 3:41

04.  They Swarmed Like Locusts 3:55

05.  Let's