Live Review: LISTEN: James Blake x Big Boi 'Every Day I Ran'

12 April 2013 | 9:00 am | Lauren Payne
Originally Appeared In

JAMES BLAKE has just released this new track ‘Every Day I Ran’ with a pretty interesting special guest. Outkast's very own Big Boi


JAMES BLAKE, just by saying his name I’ve made you swoon (yeah even the guys, you know you love him) he’s the man we all can’t get enough of and hopefully, soon we shall see him play Splendour In The Grass if of course the rumors are true. JAMES BLAKE has just released this new track ‘Every Day I Ran’ with a pretty interesting special guest.

The track is the bonus track for Overgrown and so get ready there guys.

The track opens with rapper BIG BOI doing his thing, yeah that’s right did you ever see that partnership coming? BIG BOI has given his legendary voice to JAMES BLAKE on this track that has light synths and an uplifting feeling as it raises itself up to you. It sounds almost god-like in a sense, the only thing that can get a tad confusing is BIG BOI’s heavy, gangster voice being layed over such a ethereal melody, BIG BOI sounds rough around the edges but the melody sounds so round and smooth.

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You all let us know what you think of the track because these opposites have attracted in a very complex way, it’s relaxing and puts a different flow on the way things are moving. It’s surprising and you know, a nifty little package.

Words by Lauren Payne