ECKUL is a fresh producer from Melbourne, and we are proud as punch to be premiering his newest track 'Venice (A Long Decay)', featuring vocalist Blanco Son
ECKUL is a fresh producer from Melbourne, and we are proud as punch to be premiering his newest track 'Venice (A Long Decay)', featuring vocalist Blanco Son.
The inspiration for this dark electro track came from Eckul's own experiences in Italy, when he was walking past a busking guitarist in the streets of Venice. Feeling inspired, he recorded some riffs off this guitarist, and eventually used them as samples for 'Venice (A Long Decay)'.
Once he had gotten home into the studio and put the pieces of the puzzle together, he needed a strong vocalist to go with the heavy, melodic theme of the track. On choosing Blanco Son, Eckul says “Blanco Son has an amazing voice, and we’ve been meaning to work together for a little while now. I sent the idea I had over to Blanco Son, who then wrote some lyrics, came up with a melody and then also added in a few extra instruments”.
The song features dark, sexy synths and haunting percussive elements to create a truly unique, twisted fantasy track. Take a listen below:
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'Venice (A Long Decay)' is out via Ten Hens Records, and for a limited time is available for free download on Soundcloud.
Words by Julia Insolia