Live Review: Melancholia from Autosuggest on 'Hopeful Shrouds'

6 February 2016 | 10:10 am | Cailey Moroney
Originally Appeared In

Newcomer act Autosuggest brings us his first musical offering with 'Hopeful Shrouds.

Newcomer act AUTOSUGGEST brings us his first musical offering with 'Hopeful Shrouds'. A distinctly dark electronic track with echoing vocals, deep bass and layered harmonics, 'Hopeful Shrouds' demands an emotional response to it's soft lyrics.

Newcomer act Autosuggest comes to us as the pensive and minimalist project of Sydney native Alec Malia. Once the guitarist of Absent Hours, Malia explores new musical territory as Autosuggest, immersing himself more deep into the world of electronic music.

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'Hopeful Shrouds' is a distinctly mournful track and draws from the listener a feeling of bittersweet melancholia. The variety of electronics layered on top of one and other produce a sound that gives the impression of being alive. The rising and falling of the music behind Malia's soft vocals evokes an emotive response whilst simultaneously captivating the listener.

Autosuggest is expected to release a larger body of work later in the year, watch this space.