Hannah Gadsby: Dogmatic

23 May 2016 | 3:41 pm | Hannah Story

"Coles Farmland Corn Cob bags as shoes, enough said."

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The subject of Hannah Gadsby's ire this time around is Taylor Swift - in a no woe show, Gadsby has her target set on the princess of pop. She carefully structures scene/costume changes around Swift songs, delivering a punch line before laying back on a piano bench set to the side of the Belvoir stage, mic raised.

The Belvoir stage seems at first to be an odd setting for a comedy show, the wood boards and some scenery seeming to come from the theatre production which bloomed only hours earlier. But there is a screen pulled down, onto which Gadsby projects pictures of herself and dog Doug in different positions across the dinner table. A sense of space and colour gives Gadsby's new set a different kind of dynamism, allowing her to move around between moments on facile celebrity culture, and between her own set pieces, moving back and forth between musings on exactly what she's doing on stage, and short, sharp anecdotes about herself and her family in uncomfortable situations — Coles Farmland Corn Cob bags as shoes, enough said.

Hannah Gadsby is a comic at the height of her powers. Go see her before the UK or the US swipe her up.

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