Album Review: Die! Die! Die! - What Did You Expect

28 December 2015 | 10:50 am | Chris Familton

"The recipe is the same but they still hit that blistering and intense sweet spot of post-punk."

The New Zealand trio plough on, now heading into their 13th year, and they see out 2015 with a new two-track EP.

The abbreviated release suits their style of music with its caffeinated rush; all heady, hurtling rhythms and churning, eviscerating guitar. I Love Space Travel manages to sound both dreamy and like you're being blasted in a wind tunnel as Andrew Wilson alternates screams with emotive, lilting melodies. Dark Arrow clocks in under 1.5 minutes and is no less furious in its delivery. The recipe is the same but they still hit that blistering and intense sweet spot of post-punk.