"This show is actually kind of perfect for those okay with immersing themselves in a spot of awkward humour."
Dressed in matching black turtlenecks, conspiracy theorists Cyrus Bezyan and Jack Gow play the night's hosts, informing us of a new dating website built solely for those who believe 9/11 was an inside job and prepping us for the four stand-up comedians of the night.
The night's panel included Corey White — who acknowledged the traditional owners of the land, (the wealthy) Paige Hally (a non-cross fit cult member), Carlo Ritchie, who gave us a thought-provoking theory on the Titanic, and the instantly likeable and relatable John Cruickshank. Ending on their interpretive dance for Prince's When Doves Cry, this show is actually kind of perfect for those okay with immersing themselves in a spot of awkward humour.