Work experience kid interviews his favourite photographers, next up - Dani Hansen..
Hey, I'm Dexter Wright and I am doing my work experience at Pilerats. I am a small time photographer and love photography and those who are involved with it. I have reached out to a few of my favourite photographers and will be bringing you a new interview every week as part of a new series - Behind The Lens.
Dani Hansen is a hectic music photographer from Sydney Australia that really gets around. She has shot the likes of A$AP Rocky, Childish Gambino, Golden Features and Skeggs and she doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Her shots are raw, epic and they all seem to exude this energy that makes you feel like you were right there with her at every gig.
I sent Dani an email with a few questions and asked for a few photos in return. Check out her response and those photos down below.
Who put the first camera in your hands?
My dad works in TV so I like to imagine he instilled some kind of muse in me at a young age. Really though, I properly discovered photography myself when I took it as my minor at university.
What camera are you currently messing with?
I’m glued to my Canon 6D these days. It goes that little bit extra in dimly lit dives which works well for a live music creep like me.
You always seem to be in the right place at the right time. What’s your secret?
Sometimes being a music tog means waiting it out in one spot for a little or a long time. It’s about anticipating what’s coming and being ready for it. Other times, it’s all luck.
What’s the one shot that got away?
There were probably several shots that got away last Falls Festival in Byron. We were down to the last three acts on the amphitheatre stage when the sky just opened up and pissed for England. I was in the pit with my little camera raincoat but I still couldn’t focus or see a thing. I was devo about that for ages.
Who is your biggest inspiration in photography?
I love everything Marcus Haney does. I love that warm, candid style that you see in Cass Bird’s photos. I love how weird Eliot Lee Hazel is. I’m inspired by so many things - music, film, photography, ideas, and especially my mates who are constantly capturing some incredible moments.
If you had to choose out of every photo you have taken, which would be your favourite?
There’s a shot I took of The Delta Riggs at Mountain Sounds where Elliott is reaching into the crowd and this mess of arms are grabbing him. The powers combined to create this insane image and it’s still a favourite moment of mine.
Do you listen to music while you edit? If so what album or band in particular?
Depends on my mood I guess. Sometimes when I come away from a gig, I’m still riding on that high and I’m super inspired so I’ll come back and put that band’s Spotify on repeat. Kind of corny but we all do it.
Dream subject/artist to shoot?
I think Mac DeMarco would be really cool, he’d be very chill. Maybe he’d be too chill… Honestly, I’d love to shoot with anyone (plug).
Any up and coming photographers we should be checking out?
Go through my ‘following’ list on the Gram and you’ll find a bunch of people I think are rad.
Follow Dani Hansen: INSTAGRAM