[SPOILER ALERT] Here's how Twitter reacted to the latest instalment of GoT
In similar fashion to last year's very controversial Game Of Thrones 'Red Wedding' episode, the hit HBO series has sent the Internet into overdrive again today with its latest episode.
The episode has just aired on Foxtel's Showcase, with an encore screening tonight at 7:30pm.
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Sigur Ros as Purple Wedding Band
We're not going to delve into what went down in the episode, titled The Lion And The Rose, because you should probably just watch the damn thing yourself. But, if you want to be spoiled or really aren't that fussed as to what happened, here's how Twitter and YouTube reacted. You have been warned:
King Joffrey: one glass of one too many. See you later, you sadistic little punkass.
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) April 14, 2014
I hope nothing happens to Joffrey I love him
— Mindy Kaling (@mindykaling) April 14, 2014
RT @BrendanJNewton: That heartwarming moment when you can hear your future Mother-In-Law on the phone cheering about #Joffrey. #GameOfThrone
— The Rabbit (@The_Rabbit01) April 14, 2014
Stop attending color-themed weddings. #purplewedding pic.twitter.com/5BGLNcw6g7
— Debbie Willis (@dalvesw) April 14, 2014
Meanwhile behind the scenes... #GameOfThrones #PurpleWedding pic.twitter.com/sOAZ0oB6FM
— Maia Cabe (@maiacabe) April 14, 2014
#GoT Merica fuck yeah. Joffrey can eat my ass
— Black Ops (@lusocrman) April 14, 2014
It was really sweet how choked up Joffrey got at his wedding. #GameOfThrones
— Annie Colbert (@anniecolbert) April 14, 2014
No! #Joffrey was my favorite character on #GameOfThrones! He was just misunderstood...
— Dan Brooks (@dan_brooks) April 14, 2014
Today is the best day of my life because Joffrey is finALLY DEAD
— Laura (@llsebben) April 14, 2014
Who Am I suppose to hate now? #purplewedding #gameofthrones
— Carlos J Ramirez (@Los53) April 14, 2014
Did George R. R. Martin get left at the altar or something? #PurpleWedding
— Carlos Frías (@Carlos_Frias) April 14, 2014
lmao see ya Joffrey u lil prick
— nick (@n_geiszler) April 14, 2014
— Happy Boy :) (@KeeveWong) April 14, 2014
— Kevin Bannon (@BannedInJapan) April 14, 2014