Reel Big Fish And Less Than Jake Double Header Adds Second Prince Bandroom Show

18 August 2015 | 4:54 pm | Staff Writer

Second helping of third wave ska bands

More Reel Big Fish More Reel Big Fish

There's obviously still a lot of love, particularly in Melbourne, going round for veteran US skap punk bands Reel Big Fish and Less Than Jake their first show there has completely sold out, so they've added a second date, again at The Prince Bandroom.

Funny to read that Reel BIg Fish started out as a Led Zeppelin cover band back in the early '90s before their original singer left, Aaron Barrett took over and the ska bug bit. That was up in California. Meanwhile, down in Gainesville, Florida, around the same time the Less Than Jake boys were citing '80s UK punks Snuff as a major influence. Together, the two bands changed the face of America's take on ska punk.

The two are joined on their joint Australian tour by The Bennies. For details, check out theGuide or theMusic App.


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