Plans To Redevelop Iconic Sydney Venue & Studio Set To Be Scrapped

21 February 2018 | 12:07 pm | Staff Writer

What a win.

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Plans to redevelop Sydney's Bondi Pavilion are set to be scrapped in favour of a "community friendly" alternative. 

As ABC reports, a submission to Waverley Council recommends that the development application for the plans (which would reportedly cost $38 million) be pulled. 

Mayor of Waverley, John Wakefield, says Council is now looking at "a much more modest renovation", with the Pavilion's music room and theatre to simply be refurbished. 

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"I can guarantee that the community use of the Bondi Pavilion will be retained," Wakefield said.

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"The building will be renovated in much the form that you see now."

The adjusted renovations will cost an estimated $20-25 million. 

The news follows protests from a number of big-name Australian acts, Dave Faulkner and Art Vs Science, recorded most of their 2015 album Off the Edge of the Earth and Into Forever, Forever at the community-owned studio.