Neon Queen Embark On Their 'Real Love' Single Tour

17 August 2016 | 9:23 am | Staff Writer

Real big love.

Neon Queen will be heading on tour in support of their second single Real Love, which is set to drop in late August.

After spending last year in a constant state of either recording or touring - with outfits like Bootleg Rascal, Boo Seeka and Lyall Moloney - Neon Queen are starting to unleash a newly polished sound, showing a knack for dancing between genres and an ability to capture the atmosphere of city nightlife.

The Melbourne four-piece are hitting the east and south coast to celebrate the release, with support from fellow Melbourne rockers Mild Manic.

The tour will kick off in Adelaide at Ancient World 20 Aug. For more info, head to theGuide.

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