More Than A Quarter Of Australian Nightclubs Have Closed In Recent Years

14 June 2022 | 10:09 am | Staff Writer
Originally Appeared In

Apparently, digital dating culture, social media picture posting and perceived crime is the reason.

The ABC recently published an article and short documentary on the decline of the Australian nightclub scene and industry throughout the country.

The piece highlights Australia's reflection of the global trend that nightclubs are closing and attendance is rapidly declining due to a range of reasons. 

It also states that more than a quarter of Australian nightclubs have closed in recent years, with data compiled by IBISWorld showing the number of nightclubs has reduced from 482 to 355 in recent years, with the closure felt in regional centres most heavily.

This reflects a global trend, with the amount of nightclubs in the UK halving since 2005.

The piece goes on to attempt to outline why nightclubs have declined, without addressing one of the most obvious reasons, the systemic decimation of the late night live music industry by governments federally and on a state level.

Instead, it's of course the kids' fault, because "post-gen X generations are healthier, more wholesome, and less interested in a hangover".

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Harry, who is 20 years old now, told the ABC that he is "not super into clubbing – I'd much prefer a bar where I can hang out with some live music and chat to people, and not have to shout over the music."

That means that Harry, probably turned 18 at the start of the pandemic and did not have the opportunity to be presented with a bubbling, glowing late night live music industry.

He also states that, "I feel like people are wanting to drink during the day [and] get more photos during the better lighting."

Also contributing to the piece is his friend, Max, who is 23 years old and states, "It could be to do with the nightlife having a reputation for crime in the cities. People think there's been a rise in violence and king hits and stuff."

It could very well have something to do with the reputation of nightclubs being absolutely devastated by overt policing and government policy that makes partygoers and live music lovers look like bad people. 

Other club veteran and long time bar manager also stated, "I think dating apps have changed things – with people swiping left or right, the need for nightclubs to meet a boyfriend or girlfriend is in decline."

You can read the full article HERE, or a read a similar piece on Purple Sneakers on why now is one of the hardest times ever to throw a club night event.