Josh Pyke Revisits His Childhood Home In New Doco Episode About 'Middle Of The Hill'

12 June 2017 | 4:11 pm | Staff Writer

"That song, I literally wrote it in about as long as it takes to sing it."

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Josh Pyke continues the rollout of his six-episode web documentary with part three this week, as he delves into the writing of fan-favourite cut Middle Of The Hill, from his 2005 EP Feeding The Wolves.

Following Pyke's introspective broader look at the extended player in last week's episode, the singer-songwriter explains the well-received tune — which made it to #19 on the triple j Hottest 100 following its release — was an exceptionally organic piece of composition.

"The writing of Middle Of The Hill was one of those times that I've read about; it's called 'the flow', you know, where you're in this state of creativity where you're not really aware of what you're doing, very stream-of-consciousness," he says in the episode. "That song, I literally wrote it in about as long as it takes to sing it.

"I had the riff and I was playing it, and I just kind of opened my mouth and all this stuff poured out. I think it was partly because I'd moved back home at that point, so I was reflecting on family and what it means to be part of a family and living in a family."

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The episode takes Pyke to the eponymous 'middle of the hill' — on the street in which Pyke grew up — as he reflects on his younger years, points out where he learnt to ride a bike, where his sister saved him from strangers in a van, and other curiosities of the now "almost unrecognisable" neighbourhood.

He also opens up about the Feeding The Wolves EP's general "happy-sad" nature, being written at a time when he was just starting to get a handle on taking control of his own life as well as starting a relationship with his now-wife. It's a revealing and endearing little episode, and if you've got five minutes spare you can check it out below.

The series is being released as a companion effort to the man's upcoming compilation release, Best Of, B-Sides & Rarities, which is due out at the end of this month on Ivy League Records.

Pyke will follow the album's release with a national tour throughout July and August; full details are available in theGuide.

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