A ride along the east coast for a great cause
Grinspoon leader Phil Jamieson and Big Day Out CEO Adam Zammit will lead this month's Rock N Ride event, it's been announced.
The charity motorcycle ride, which is being presented by Big Day Out and Valvoline for the youth mental health foundation headspace, will also see the likes of Silverchair's Chris Joannou, Bluejuice's Jake Stone, band members from Art Vs Science and Kingswood, MTV's Kate Peck and Channel [V]'s Danny Clayton take part.
The ride will begin at the Gold Coast on Sunday 19 January, heading down the east coast to finish up at the Melbourne BDO event on Friday 24 January. The aim of the event is to raise awareness about mental health among young Australians.
More info can be found via the headspace website.
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