Bruno Wizard Documentary To Premiere In July, Trailer Out Today

24 May 2013 | 3:58 pm | Staff Writer

The life and times of The Homosexuals legendary punk frontman hits the silver screen.

A documentary film about the life of British punk icon Bruno Wizard will premiere at a London film festival this July and, in the meantime, a trailer about it has surfaced online.

The Heart Of Bruno Wizard looks at the “career” of notorious underground punk figure Bruno Wizard (born Bruno McQuillan), one of the true punks to emerge from the early British punk rock scene in that he never really stopped living the punk ethos.

The film is being described as “The story of a man who followed his heart, at all costs” and shows how a homeless and ailing Bruno Wizard had to be coaxed to live within the rules of society in order to save himself.

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Wizard's claim to fame was as frontman of The Rejects, who later called themselves The Homosexuals, apparently as a way of ensuring that major labels would stay away from them.

The film, which was directed by Elisabeth Rasmussen, premieres at the East End Film Festival on Friday 5 July.