Oh, boy, here we go. Attila have a brand new song out, 'Public Apology'.
Oh, boy, here we go. Attila have a brand new song out, 'Public Apology'.
Attila's newest single was, in typical fashion for the band, announced by Attila frontman Chris Fronzak in a shared the video (found below) prior to release to the band's Facebook page, saying that he "would come clean" and publically apologise to everyone. Of course, anyone with half a brain and who is in any way familiar with the band should've realised this was all for the sake of promoting new music. NOT an actual apology or any such thing.
Following the song's release over the weekend, Fronzak said this online about the supposed apology and how the band "will stay the same":
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"Look guys, lets be real- I'm not sorry about shit. The only thing I'm sorry for is the fact that the entire world has turned into a bunch of supersoft crybaby bitches. As the rest of the world changes and adapts to our new "sensitive generation" just understand that ATTILA will always stay the same. We're here to fuck shit up, are you with us? <3 Fronz"
Well, that's one way of putting it, I guess. As for Attila staying the same, the band is indeed staying the same in their lyrical content and edgy attitude. However, saying that "you motherfuckers [us] get offended by anything" and then simply singing about the swear words that fills out your lyrical vocabulary isn't really that offensive anymore. It's not the 80's or 90's anymore, mate. It's not so much offensive to the rest of us as it is an eye-roll.
As for the music itself, this track conjures up a legitimate comparison to older bands Limp Bizkit, with lyrical content, grooves, riffs and all. While I enjoy Bizkit as much as the next guy, I don't think that Attila works with a slower tempo. But this is one song off a full album so who knows what the band has cooked up!
The new album will be out later this year and it's called 'Chaos' (via Stay Sick Recordings). Speaking of this new release, the frontman said this about the new record via social media, calling it their "most diverse" yet.
"I don't wanna give away too many surprises, but I will let you know that #CHAOS is the most diverse & well written album we've ever created. We put everything we have into this album and you will hear soon enough. Chaos speaks for itself. ?"
...I really can't tell if that's just talking shit because a new album is coming out or if the band and their vocalist are being serious. We've reached peak Attila it seems.
Now, people often say 'Why do the media give this band the attention?' Well hey, I'll tell you what Internet; if you want the media to stop caring about Attila, then stop spreading around Harambe and other shitty memes, Buzzfeed articles, and those "like this status or X will happen "posts then we (by 'we', I mean KYS), will stop covering the band. Deal? Cool.