Meg Williams Named Executive Director Of AAM

11 July 2012 | 1:07 pm | Scott Fitzsimons

The Association Of Artist Managers also farewells Nicole Brant-Zawadzki

Meg Williams has been appointed the new Executive Director of The Association of Artist Managers [AAM] effective immediately and replacing Nicole Brant-Zawadzki (or Nicole B-Z).

Williams manages Melodie Nelson, Megastick Fanfare and Shady Lane and has worked extensively with Music NSW, as Indent Project Manager, and Sound Summit as Coordinator.

AAM Chairperson Catherine Haridy said today, "As an active and vibrant young manager herself, Meg's experience will be invaluable in launching the organisation into a new era of exciting challenges, from an advocacy perspective and in order to bring more opportunities of value to our membership, including a new online mentoring program.

“We thank Nicole B-Z for the amazing work she's performed for the organisation, helping to take us nationally and deliver many valuable opportunities for our members."

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Williams added, "I feel extremely privileged to represent an impressive membership base and inspired to be working with the current Board of Directors, to grow the skills and capacity for artist management in Australia.”

The AAM represents the interests of its members through advocacy, workshops and networking avenues.