Video Clip Focus: Psychedelic Porn Crumpets

16 September 2015 | 2:02 pm | Artist Submission

"The book Intelligent Sentient? by Luke Ramsey was a big inspiration during this project."

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Answered by: Sam Shields

Song title: Marmalade March 

Director: Sam Shields 

What's the concept behind the clip? The video is an exaggerated interpretation of the song lyrics. 

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How long did it take to make? I didn't keep track but it felt like it took around 70 to 80 hours.

Where did you film it? The video is an animation, with reference clips filmed around Perth city and in my house.

What's your favourite part of the clip? Definitely the psychedelic freakout sequence during the guitar solo.

Was anything in particular inspiring you during the making?: The book Intelligent Sentient? by Luke Ramsey was a big inspiration during this project.

Will you be launching it? 19 September at The Bird with supports Mugwump and Dougal's Casino. 

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