Unity Floors On 'Life Admin', The Sheriff & Eating Smashed Avo

21 October 2016 | 3:25 pm | Brynn Davies

"Living is a full-time job ... Like, 'Far out, I feel like I'm spending more time doing the paperwork for living than actually living!'"

Gus Hunt is standing in the sun "on one of the not-so-beautiful UTS buildings" when we call in. "I actually work here now to pay back the money that I owe them from studying at UTS. It's just an endless cycle. There's no end," he laughs darkly. 

"'Am I not good enough? Like, for jury duty? You don't want me making these decisions?'" 

Thematically, Unity Floors' second album focuses on coming-of-age gripes, from entry-level adulthood to Gen-Y-bother attitudes and its title couldn't be more appropriate. Hunt explains that Life Admin is "the classic 20s getting it together [phase]: trying to make time for things, relationships, ups, downs... This album with the name Life Admin was kinda like a running theme: 'I gotta go do this life admin. I gotta go work on a bunch of life stuff' that kinda blindsided both of us [Hunt and bandmate Henry Gosling]; I guess that's what this is. Living is a full-time job. Got bills to pay, you're just like, 'Far out, I feel like I'm spending more time doing the paperwork for living than actually living!"

On the topic of jury duty, Hunt marvels: "Being summoned by the sheriff! I didn't know we had sheriffs! I imagine [a sheriff with] the badge and the spurs on the boots and a cigar, going, 'You've been summoned for jury duty'," he laughs. Has he ever tried to weasel out of it? "I've been summoned before and I went and I just didn't get selected. I wasn't super-psyched on doing it, but there was a bit of [a] feeling of rejection there, I must admit," he laments. "'Am I not good enough? Like, for jury duty? You don't want me making these decisions?'" 

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We then have a little snicker over our penchant for smashed avo. "I was reading [The Australian article] while eating avocado. I was just looking at the avocado, looking at the paper, looking at the avocado like, 'Oh, my goodness!' I love that someone did the math on it, like, later on: I think it was like 90,000 serves or something of avocado and then you could afford a mortgage deposit? The math was off, bad math." So is abstaining from wanky brunch the way for our generation to buy into real estate? "Maybe we could pass it down generation to generation, you know? If none of our grandchildren eat avocado." 

One of the album tracks, Young Professionals, is like an ode to those among us who have to wear suits to work; it's a dream of Hunt's to one day join their ranks. "It seems so glamorous, you know? And they all look good," he sighs. "I could do that for a little while but I feel I'd get caught out, 'You're a fraud, a big phoney!' I can't tuck my shirt in very well… Maybe they're not happy, I dunno. Is that all a front? Is there some internal kitchen-sink drama going on in their lives?"

So does Hunt have to suit-up for his job at UTS? "I do the classic collared shirt over the T-shirt. Smart casual, I'm ready for any occasion. Like a superhero, ready to go at any moment." Turns out he's in admin.