Six Pack: Whitehouse

6 July 2012 | 9:45 am | Tony McMahon

Funk educationalist Grant Saunders – aka Sonic Nomad – from hip hop crew Whitehouse, talks to Tony McMahon about his band’s album, A Funky Intervention and its new single, The 26th.

“This album is not just about the intervention. The title of the album and its cover art is meant to be a parody on a fairly serious issue concerning Indigenous Australians, particularly those in the Northern Territory: the Stronger Futures federal legislation, a ten-year extension on the NT Intervention into Aboriginal communities. The content of the album also references this racist legislation, particularly on the track PM Gonna Save Us, but there are other issues and personal stories dealing with identity, I Am Humane, cultural pluralism in The 26th, conscious music versus pop in Wake Up, the simple love of all music in the track Music and a light-hearted piss take on an r'n'b booty call song called Under Cover Lover. And while the intervention does seem to be a far away thing, especially to people living in other states around the country, what we are trying to say with this album, like a good satire, is that if the shoe was on the other foot how would you feel if your income needed to be managed by Centrelink, that you got fined for viewing pornography or drank too much alcohol, that your income was withdrawn if your child missed 'too much' school, that the government and other strange people were freely allowed to come in and out of your property without any permission and do whatever they wanted on your land? Would you be just a little pissed off and feel like you were being treated as a second-class citizen or worse? If the answer is yes then it's simple, people can do something about it and send a strong message to the government that this is simply inhumane and overtly racist and cannot go ahead.”