Single Focus: Hounded

8 February 2019 | 12:40 pm | Staff Writer

"The track is about love, loss, joy, happiness."

More Hounded More Hounded

Answered by: Edan Visser

Single title? Hollow

What's the song about? The track is about love, loss, joy, happiness and the duality of it.

How long did it take to write/record? Took about four months of back and forth writing to finish. As mentioned above, it was a tough one to finish because I really had to step outside my comfort zone of writing 'happy' music.

What was inspiring you during the song's writing and recording? I was listening to a lot of albums from bands like Sigur Ros and Coldplay.

We'll like this song if we like... Mansionair, Panama, Odesza, Petit Biscuit, Shallou, Sigur Ros.

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Do you play it differently live? I play it the same, but try and add more live elements instead of the synths that I've used in the recording to make it a little more engaging.

When and where is your launch/next gigs? I'm doing a small run of intimate shows in march to support the record. Namely in places like Sydney, Wollongong and Perth.