Single Focus: Halcyon Drive

25 February 2016 | 1:50 pm | Artist Submission

Artist/Band: Halcyon Drive

Name: Max Pamieta

Single title? Untethered

What's the song about? We spend so much time convincing ourselves that we’re satisfied with the path we've taken; how long will it last?

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How long did it take to write/record? There is no real defined time to write the track, it formed and developed naturally during rehearsals then became detailed during our demoing process. Recording was wrapped up easily within a day.

Is this track from a forthcoming release/existing release? The track is taken from our forthcoming EP of the same name Untethered, due for release in mid May.

What was inspiring you during the song's writing and recording? The fact we recorded the entire EP in a makeshift studio inside an Otway Rainforest Mudbrick Villa in Victoria meant the surrounding environment was a uniquely inspiring setting to be cooped up in.

We'll like this song if we like… Anything from St. Vincent, Bombay Bicycle Club to candy from a gumball dispenser — colourful and tasty.

Do you play it differently live? The song live is quite representative of the recorded track but as always with our live sets we intensify dynamic shifts and tend to prolong sections.

When and where is your launch/next gig? Our Melburnian launch show is at Shebeen Bandroom on Saturday, 27 February however we have a series of subsequent shows in support of the release along Australia's east coast.

Website link for more info?