Answered by: James Franklin
When did you start songwriting and why? I remember writing a song about the gun issue in the US when I was around ten years old. I don't exactly know why I started, but I guess I had something to say.
Sum up your musical sound in four words? Sweet and sour soul.
Is songwriting something that comes easy to you or do you have to work at it? I have worked hard on songwriting. I wrote a song everyday for around a year before I wrote one that I felt I was ready to show people. Now, I let songs come to me.
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In what ways does it help having The Real Songwriters of Melbourne helping to showcase you? RSOM is a blog I go to regularly to hear great music because I know they always showcase great artists. Being showcased by them means I know that real music lovers are hearing my tunes!
What is it that makes Melbourne a good place to write songs? Creativity inspires my songwriting more than anything. Melbourne, being the arts capital of Australia, allows me to constantly be inspired. I have such a wide range of places to go to find inspiration.
When and where is your Real Songwriters Live gig? 1 Oct, Wesley Anne, 8pm.
Website link for more info?