No Money Weekend

21 February 2015 | 11:00 am | Pilerats
Originally Appeared In

Chillin’ on the cheap..

We've thrown together a few potential pennny savers to keep your boredom at bay this weekend! We can be good like that sometimes. If you've got some great ideas for free things to do on the weekend, let know. (Image: Michel Nguie). 


Tokyo artist Moriko Mori is currently in residence at the Art Gallery of WA as part of the Perth Festival; she’s taken over the top level of the gallery with an incredible exhibition (loosely) exploring life, death and rebirth through a series of incredible sculptures – from moon rocks, to glowing light pillars, to LED light circles, water features and moving visuals – its progressive, its playful, its futuristic, and its definitely worth giving up part of your weekend for.  - Dani

When & Where: Runs until Mar 7. Art Gallery of WA, Perth Cultural Centre, James St, Northbridge. Free Guided Tours: 11am & 1pm Sun Feb 22 +Wed Feb 25. 

moriko mori



Contrary to popular belief, hitting the beers or the bottle after a stressful week at work may seem to relieve the pressure of the week, but it’s probably not doing much for your overall stress / health / wellness levels (weight gain, sleep disruption, cancer, etc – all things that will make you even more stressed!).  Head to Sorrento for some free classes on meditation / the technique of Sahaja Yoga – you’ll learn how to meditate at home, and how to bring some balance into your world.  - Dani 

When & Where: Sat Feb 21, 10.30am. Sorrento Community Hall, Padbury Circle, Sorrento. Free (no booking required).

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The Chung Wah Association are expecting nearly 60, 000 Perth folk to fill the streets of Northbridge this Sunday for the Chinese New Year Celebrations. All the restaurants in Chinatown will be positively buzzing, and there’s nearly 100 additional Chinese food stalls down the street. Expect entertainment such as lion dances, music, arts displays, dancing lessons, water slides (?), Pluck A Duck (??) and plenty of those red plasticky firecracker things carpeting the streets. We hope the Year of the Sheep treats you well. - Dani

 When & Where: Sun, Feb 22, 12pm – 9pm, James St / Lake St & Chinatown, Northbridge. Free. 


The Victoria Park chapter of Fringe continues this Sunday with the final backyard gig presented by Doctopus and Sailor Jerry’s. The arvo will include performances from Hamish Rahn, Bi-Polar Bear and Doctopus, as well as $5 Gage Roads and $5 Sailor Jerry’s. So good. These proceedings will finish at 7pm and then you can wander over to Theo and Co’s Pizzeria to continue your Sunday evening adventure (see below). - Charles

When & Where: Sun Feb 22, 3 – 7 pm, (Rear) 874 Albany Highway, East Victoria Park, WA. Check out the event here.


The Fringe Sunday Club series continues as Good Company and SixThousand put on another bargain buffet in Victoria Park. The final show will feature Retiree, a cruisy live electronic four-piece from Sydney (take a listen to the tracks they’re vibing in 10/10 Would Listen: Retiree), and joining them will be Eleventeen Eston & the Conversation, plus some Good Company DJs. On top of this great lineup, $5 drinks and pizza is a pretty sweet deal. If you haven’t checked it out yet, this will be your last chance to get down for the Vic Park chapter of Fringe World 2015. - Charles

When & Where: Sun Feb 22, 7pm – midnight, Theo & Co Pizzeria, 838 Albany Hwy, Victoria Park. For more info hit the event page and ticket page.


Tracey Moffat is an awesome Australian contemporary artist – she’s been based in New York since the late 90s, and this is her first exhibition in Perth since 2004. Tracey’s created a new series called Art Calls, which is an unruly ABC TV show in which she calls different artists on Skype and asks them a series of intense and confronting questions about their work. Heavily influenced by European 1920’s surrealist films, the show was made on a shoestring budget and produced in a suburban backyard studio in Queensland. The videos are currently screening at PICA, alongside a photography installation by Moffat. Definitely worth your time – it’s nice to have someone not taking art so seriously for a change. – Dani

When & Where: Runs daily until Apr 15. Perth Institute of Contemporary Art, Perth Cultural Centre, James St, Northbridge. Tue – Sun 10am – 5pm. Free.

Tracey Moffat


 Flower Drums are putting out some of the nicest, warmest garage-pop we’ve heard in ages. They're like Perth's answer to Toro Y Moi or Washed Out. As we enter into 2015, Pilerats are keeping a firm ear on this four-piece from Perth, who had a winner of a year in 2014, performing at Laneway Festival and giving us two super strong tracks: Bad Websites, and Don’t Wait, the latter featuring vocals from fellow WA artist St. South. Catch Flower Drums giving their Don’t Wait single the champagne launch it deserves at the Bird; with support from surfy sweethearts Dianas, and the soulful R & B of Eteana. Check out Leigh from Flower Drums’ favourite plays right now in this week’s 10/10 Would Listen.

 When & Where: Fri Feb 20, 8pm – 12am. The Bird, 181 William Street, Northbridge. $10.


If you feel like you could potentially extend your knowledge of Chinese contemporary cinema (I know I sure could) then you’re in luck: The Oulala pop up cinema has organised a night of Chinese film, food and music to ring in the Chinese New Year. Taste of Asia is running a food market, there’ll be dragon dancing, and live music. Bring your picnic rug / chair for the film. Because, being comfortable. – Dani

When & Where:  Sat Feb 21, 6.30pm. 298 Albany Highway, Victoria Park. $10.


Ragnar Kjartansson creates some incredible video installations using music, film and performance. He’s brought his spectacular show, The End, to Fremantle Arts Centre, as part of Perth Festival. The End is a five channel music and video installation set in the snowy Canadian landscape, showcasing melancholy visuals with a unique soundtrack set atop. Potential to blow your mind: high. - Dani

When & Where: Fremantle Arts Centre, 1 Finnerty St, Fremantle. Gallery open 10am – 5pm, seven days a week. 

the end

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No, this is the end. Have a great weekend!