Newtown Festival Focus: The Blues Preachers

26 October 2015 | 1:39 pm | Artist Submission

"Wait a min, is there a love tax yet?"

Answered by: Capt Bluetongue

Presumably you've been to the Newtown Festival before, what's your best memory? The community spirit of the Newtown festival is unique and crosses all demographics. A great, great family day out. Even the dogs are sociable.

What's first and why — music or stalls or bars? Bar first to settle in and soak in the atmosphere. Music to enjoy a tipple. Stalls to take home some goodies and souvenirs to remember a great day out!

Favourite spot at the festival to chill and watch the world go by? Anywhere on the grass away from the dog poo.

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What would be your entry into the dog show? That would have to be my chocolate labradoodle, Good Time Charlie! He would win but he can't carry a guitar and would probably chew the mic cable.

Aside from the festival, what are your favourite Newtown locations? Mary's, Young Henry's. The Vanguard is a favourite of ours — we have had many great gigs and good times there.

Why do you think your music is a good fit for the Newtown Festival? We are about community; our single The Free Train Agreement is about what governments can't tax you for — friendship etc. Wait a min, is there a love tax yet?

If you were to enter Miss Newtopia, open to any age or gender, what would be your secret to winning? We would have to wear a wig but would still be the ugly step-sisters.

When and where are you performing on the day? Newtopia Stage, 12pm.