Band: Heloise.
What was the best piece of advice you were given when you first started learning guitar? Practice, learn your scales and stick at it.
What's your fave guitar/amp/pedal set up? I run a Big Muff, Green Rhino overdrive and a tremolo. I absolutely love vintage Fender amps. My favourite guitar is definitely my Fender Coronado. It's a 2015 vintage reissue and plays like a dream!
If you could jam with one person, who would it be and why? Definitely Jack White. His songwriting, tones and style are so inherently and uniquely him. His riffs are so easily recognisable and I love his playing style.
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If money wasn't an issue, what guitar would you buy and why? I'd love to buy a Gibson J-200 acoustic. After playing a friend's vintage model, I fell in love!
When and where can we catch you at the Melbourne Guitar Show? I'll be performing as part of the Fretted Femmes in Song section on Saturday 6 Aug at 11.15am.
Website link for more info?