Meet The Musos: Get To Know Soul-Baring Sydney Artist Flowerkid

8 May 2023 | 2:19 pm | Jessie Lynch
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Here's what you need to know about flowerkid following the release of his latest single 'Diss and Dissapoint'.

Credit: Elliott Lauren Ryan

Credit: Elliott Lauren Ryan

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Flowerkid (AKA Flynn Sant) is back with his first new music of 2023 with the charged-up but still vulnerably centred Diss and Disappoint.

Written and produced with Alex Hope in Nashville, the track hears Flynn recounting an ex-partner who only “disses and disappoints” him. 

Diss And Disappoint is a song about a special person in your life becoming somebody else. The little things that made you fall for them in the first place, have slowly evaporated into thin air. They become someone that you no longer respect," Flynn explained of the emotional track. 

"A lot of the time, I feel as though their words and actions follow me around wherever I go, and I can't seem to escape it.”

Diss and Disappoint follows 2021’s revered everyone has a breaking point EP which featured singles vodka orange juice, miss andry, and “it’s happening again feat. KUČKA

A haunting and delicate dig through his past, the EP was self-written and largely self-produced with collaborators Nick Ward, Dave Hammer, and Alaska, and weaved striking lyrics through spacious electronics. 

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At times, it collected you in a flurry of dense emotion while at other times, it was so quiet you could hear a breath.

Now, flowerkid is looking forward to the future while still acknowledging that healing is a work in progress, while Diss and Disappoint marks a distinct new chapter for Flynn as he works on his forthcoming debut album.

Following the release of his new single, we had a chat with Flynn to discuss the inspiration behind the track and everything else you need to know about flowerkid.

You recently dropped Diss and Disappoint - you are always quite personal with your lyrics, did this track stem from your own experience? Is it directed to anyone in particular? 

It absolutely stems from personal experience. I found myself in a relationship that started off great. I truly thought I knew this person and that there would be potential for a future together. 

Things went south towards the end of the relationship and the breakup was incredibly difficult. I then saw a side to this person that really threw me off guard, and they really disappointed me with their behaviour towards me once the relationship had ended. Hence the title Diss and Disappoint

You’re planning to release a new album following on from 2021’s ‘everyone has a breaking point’, which was a really candid look into your past, what themes will you be exploring in your new album? 

The new album explores many themes. In true flowerkid fashion, it is essentially my diary. But I think the one that sticks out the most for me is the journey of acceptance. 

Accepting the hard times that circle my mind, confronting those times and experiences, and making them a little less scary in order to move on. 

In your last album, you explored some really raw emotions and confronted a lot of things from your past - do you ever get scared putting that out to the world, or is it cathartic? 

I absolutely get scared. People’s perceptions of what I have to say plays on my mind a lot. Exposing myself this deeply and openly can be really intimidating. 

But at the same time, in releasing these vulnerable parts of me, it feels very comforting to know that it could be helping people in difficult times. That then for me makes it very rewarding. 

Give us the story behind your name? 

The flowerkid name represents growth and change, as well as being a kid, wearing my heart on my sleeve. 

If your music was a flavour, what would it taste like? 

I would say a Sour Patch Kid lolly. Bitter at first, but then sweet. 

Who are some of your biggest musical influences and how have they impacted your own sound and style? 

I would have to say Frank Ocean is my biggest influence. His raw storytelling and incredible vulnerability in his music actually inspired me to make my very first song. 

What’s been the biggest moment in your career so far? 

Getting the opportunity to travel and tour overseas, playing for beautiful audiences. 

What’s the most unusual or unexpected source of inspiration you’ve drawn from when writing a song? 

All my songs are generally about feelings and emotions, but there was one song that I wrote about feelings that I should've had, but felt nothing, which was pretty unexpected for me. 

Can you share a hilarious or cringe-worthy moment from your early days as an artist? 

At my very first show, I missed my cue to sing the very first line of one of my songs and all that managed to come out of my mouth was “oops”. But I’m thankful my audience was very lovely and forgiving. 

What are the top three tracks or artists you’re vibing on rn? 

House Settling and Fractions of Infinity by Qhadeca, and Fabric by BROCKHAMPTON. 

What’s something that fans not might know about you? 

I played soccer for ten years prior to releasing music. 

If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? 

Iridescence by BROCKHAMPTON. 

What’s in the works for you in 2023? 

Releasing heaps of new music that has been in the vault for a long time, writing more songs and performing live.