Man Robs House, Goes To Sleep On The Job

16 May 2015 | 10:00 am | Liam Apter
Originally Appeared In

Being a full-time burglar is a tough job..

Stealing from a residential property is tiring stuff; I mean you’ve got to buy all black, punch three holes in a beanie, commando crawl all the way to the house and then break in! And that’s forgetting the actual ‘burglary’ part. So it’s understandable you would want to have a little rest before making a speedy get-away.

And this very thing happened in Florida last week when a homeowner found a burglar napping on her couch. She promptly asked him what he was doing and he apologised. Unverified reports state that he explained he had only just left Thief School and this whole, "stealing and getting away business was really taxing on the body and mind", After leaving, only then did the homeowner realise she had been robbed and called police.