We keep sharing their bangers, so it's time to get to know 'em a little better..
ely we've shared a couple of tunes from WA-based duo Time Pilot that really got us exciting to hit the d-floor. First was a huge remix of Peking Duk's Safia-featuring, Hottest 100-killing single Take Me Over, and more recently we heard a comparatively more restrained affair in their remix of Spirit Faces - Cloudplay feat. BUOY. Both of these came after they featured on the Pilerats Rat Pack #2 Compilation with Vowel Play. So yeah, we've been vibing them a lot, so much we asked them to join us for our first ever At The Pile show, alongside Cosmo's Midnight, Willow Beats, Lower Spectrum and newest member to the Pilefam, Catlips - GRAB TICKETS HERE. Listen to all those tunes below, check details for that show and read a little about a couple of good eggs making big tunes around these parts.
Tell us a bit about yourselves?
K: Sup I’m Kieran O’Regan (Blonde)
A: Yo I’m Austin McCrea (Brunette)
We were synthesised half way through last year. Inspired by the mass of strange/off kilter music that was coming out at the time, and motivated by lots of Australian artists (What So Not, Wave Racer etc.). We both had some eccentric projects in the artillery of the hard drive with no real direction or purpose in our original solo projects, so we joined forces. We started off as two individual basstronauts, and somehow crossed paths in a dense layer of Jupiter’s orbit. We seemed to share mutual love for loud strange noises, so we began to make tunes together.
What kinda tunes we talkin’?
A: We both started off making fairly different genres… Kieran exploring the heavier side of electronic music (eg Knife Party, nero, scary-monsters-and nice-sprites-skrillex) and I was in to more progressive, melodic, baby-making music (Eric Prydz, Kaskade). So we met in the middle and found that we somewhat compliment each other’s weaknesses because of the difference in our preferred genres that we had started diving in to.
K: Even though Im sure plenty of babies were made to Skrillex.
Production/writing process:
K: We meet up a few days a week depending on how punctual we are feeling and work on creating weird unique sounds or that project that’s been sitting there unfinished for months or jam out on the keys. We don’t always set out to complete something we usually just go with how we feel on the day.
A: Yep, it’s super handy having two brains in on it as well. If one of us is at work or feelin' a bit seedy from the night before - the other can be sittin’ in the studio (♩ ♪ trYna get 2 u baybe ♫ ♬).
What do you do outside of Time Pilot?
K: I’m lucky enough to have started studying at WAAPA and can’t wait to exploit the their facilities for our benefits. Apart from that I’m in search of my Tinderella (still).
A: I run a mobile florist business and deliver lavender (and mixtapes) to old peoples homes.
Any shows coming up?
We’ve got a large show at our homeground Mondo Fridays coming up very soon, which is guaranteed to be wild… We’ll be supporting fellow NASA advocate San Holo Feb 27 at Parker for Majesty – we were discussing before that we play one of his tunes just about every set haha. So we’re excited. Then it’s moving onto the big show at Gilkinsons for your's truly – Pilerats on March 7, which we are ecstatic for.
And releases?
We are working toward an EP release to come out sometime this year, one single of which you should hear very soon! Very thrilled about that. Otherwise just a few edits of our favourite tracks and tightening our DJ sets… We also may or may not be writing a song dedicated to Tequila…
What’s the rest of the year have in store?
A: Really just taking the year as it comes and focusing mainly on our Time Pilot endeavours. Looking forward to putting our heads down and building up a backlog of tune-age while still learning! Can’t wait to collaborate more around Perth as well - I feel the scene is thriving and as exciting as it’s ever been.
K: Very excited about this year as well. Apart from heads deep in studio work, basically we will be perfecting our live show and collaborating with some local legends.
Where can we hear more of your music?
You can “Peep our SOUNDCLOUD bruh”, and join our other orbital paths on FACEBOOK /INSTAGRAM.