Have You Heard: Men Into Space

17 November 2015 | 11:52 am | Artist Submission

"It's crazy astronaut dudes belting out hot rockabilly music and having a great time doing it!"

Answered by: Jon Flynn

When did you start making music and why? In the mid '80s some friends and I loved rockabilly music and started The Shakin' Quavers. We were school age playing different types of venues including some really seedy nightspots around The Valley in Brisbane.

Sum up your musical sound in four words? Crazy astro-rockabilly. 

If you could support any band in the world — past or present — who would it be? Too hard to answer. Maybe instead we play a festival with The Space Cadets, Man Or Astro-Man and The Go-Nuts.

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If you could only listen to one album forevermore, what would it be and why? Obviously there are so many killer albums on the maybe list. Let The Chicks Fall Where They May by The Sprague Brothers is one that I often circle back to over the years. Great talent.

Greatest rock'n'roll moment of your career to date? I got play bass with Elvis' original band in New Orleans. Scotty Moore on guitar and DJ Fontana on drums. I was standing in for Bill Black who, had he'd been still alive, would have been there instead of me.

Why should people come and see your band? Because it's crazy astronaut dudes belting out hot rockabilly music and having a great time doing it!

When and where for your next gig? Sydney Rock'n'Roll & Alternative Xmas Market, 22 Nov at Manning Bar & House.

Website link for more info: facebook.com/rocknrollmarket